
DIY Cat Wand

By: Harley Hamilton
DIY Cat Wand

Unleash your inner DIY enthusiast and treat your feline friend to endless hours of playtime with this DIY Cat Wand project! Crafting this delightful toy is a breeze, requiring just a few simple materials: a rigid reusable straw, some colorful ribbon, and a shoestring. In just a few easy steps, you'll create a captivating cat wand that will have your furry companion pouncing and leaping with joy. So, grab your crafting supplies and make your kitty's day!  Your fur baby will thank you with purrs and cuddles!

Estimated CostUnder $10

Time to CompleteUnder an hour

Main MaterialRecycled Materials

Primary TechniqueGeneral Crafts

Materials List

  • 1 rigid reusable straw
  • 1 shoestring (24inches or longer)
  • 3 feet of ribbon


  1. Thread shoestring through straw.

  2. Tie knot in end of shoestring.

  3. Cut ribbon into six 6 inch pieces.

  4. Place ribbon pieces one on top of the other to make a neat pile.

  5. Start to make a knot in the end of the shoelace farthest from the straw. Just make the loop. Do not pull it tight.

  6. Place one end of the pile of ribbons in the loop.

  7. Pull the knot tight to hold the ribbons.

  8. Call cat. Enjoy!


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