Sugru Moldable Glue by tesa

Sugru Moldable Glue by tesa is a multi-purpose glue for creative fixing and making. It is the world’s first glue that remains flexible when set and sticks to most materials including glass, ceramic, wood, metal and most plastics. People use it to make everything from jewelry and decorative lamps to custom rubber stamps and even to personalize crafting tools.
Sugru was invented to get people fixing more and wasting less. As a company they believe that repair is the most humble form of creativity (check their Manifesto here). Instead of buying new stuff all the time, they believe in using our imagination to fix, improve and reimagine the things we already have. If we can double the life of our stuff, we’ll halve what goes to landfill. A visit to will inspire you to reimagine your home, garden, clothes and planet in a way that empowers your everyday creativity to beat the throwaway culture.
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