Maggy Woodley, Red Ted Art
Maggy Woodley is an Austrian mum of two living in the UK and married to a Brit. She started her craft blog Red Ted Art in order to share her craft ideas for both children and adults – hoping to inspire others to ‘have a go’ and ‘have fun’ with their children or to discover new crafts and ideas for themselves.
Passionate about crafts, she feels that crafting is something for all and that everyone can have a go! Her weekly How-Tos are aimed to be ‘easy to follow’ and inspirational for both adults and teens, whilst her Kids Craft aims to please toddlers to 10-year-olds!
Maggy's Links:
Red Ted Art Blog
Google +
Maggy's Projects on AllFreeKidsCrafts:
- Mini Chinese New Year Craft Lantern
- Watch and Learn
- Thrifty Thank You Notes
- Rat-a-Tat Tin Can Drum
- Preschool Sewing Pouch
- Egg Cartons on Sail
- Artsy Personalized Pinwheel
- All the King's Men
- "Hand"some King of the Jungle
- Shadow Puppet Aquarium
- Silly Grass Heads
- Papier Mache Pirate Ship
- Marionette Puppy Puppet
- Following in Your Footsteps Bookmarks
- Fish Bottle Bath Toy
- Beaded Utensil Windchimes
- Dinosaur Egg Soap
- Chocolate Easter Nests
- Spring Colors Stained Glass Window
- Unfurl Your Flag
- No Sew Cupcake Pincushions
- Sand Bead Jewelry
- Awesome Acorn Pine Cone People
- Christmas Cookie Ornaments
- Cookie Cutter Stencil Christmas Cards
- Fallen Leaf Bowls
- Felt Play Donuts
- Fun Bedtime Bath Soap
- King of Organization Castle
- Majestic Mate's Leaf Crown
- Mini Christmas Tree Ornaments
- Petite Present Ornaments
- Super Balloon Juggling Balls
- Toilet Roll Reindeer
- Walnut Baby Ornaments
- Where the Wild Things Are Costumes
- Which Autumn Item is Which? Activity
- Wonderful Winter-Colored Tissue Paper
- Angry Birds Pom Pom Yarn Crafts
- Toilet Paper Roll Mermaid
- Three Little Pigs Toilet Paper Roll Crafts
- Cheeky Chickens Egg Carton Crafts
- Upcycled Tights Octopus
- Pine Cone Snowy Owl
- Whimsical Wonderland Card Soldiers
- Golden Leaves DIY Lantern