The Most Beautiful Bouquet
If you have the ability to make The Most Beautiful Bouquet, why would you ever make anything less? As kids' crafts for Mother's Day or a lovely flower craft, make this stunning arrangement of blossoms that will wow anyone. It's amazing that even the smallest artists can put together such a darling decoration. Give these as a gift to make someone special smile or display them in your home to keep the joy present. The best thing about these flowers is that they'll never wilt no matter the season. As a pick-me-up, make beautiful felt crafts like this.
Estimated CostUnder $10
Time to CompleteIn an evening
MaterialsFelt, Recycled Materials
Age GroupPreschool & Kindergarten, Elementary School, Pre-Teens, Teens
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Marilyn B
Aug 24, 2017
This bunch of blooms is so creative, I just love it! Felt is easy for kids to work with and comes in so many colors! This little project also helps kids learn to sort colors and shapes and helps with their eye hand coordination too! Use some of these pretty blooms to place on a card or use as a gift tag for even more fun!
M Altenberg
Jan 30, 2017
These are so cute to make for an afternoon project? Who would not love a bouquet of these in their kitchen. Kids will enjoy making these.
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